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HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices User Manual

1. About HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote Input/Output (I/O) Devices are designed for facilities of rugged industry and infrastructure. HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices are tailored to perform various features such as wide temperature, wide range power input range... etc. HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices offers different I/O combinations, which provide greater flexibility and are compatible with many different applications that makes them the perfect choice for establishing a cost-effective remote I/O system.


2. Hardware Features

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has several versions with different I/O options such as:

  • 8 Channel 5-275V AC-DC, 100mA Digital Optocoupler Output

  • 8 Channel Digital 5Amps 250VAC/30VDC Relay Output

  • 8 Channel 12-275V AC-DC, 60mA Digital Optocoupler Input

  • 8 Channel 0-10V and 0-20mA Selectable Analog Input

  • 5 Channel 4-20mA Analog Output 

All versions can be selected with 100 - 240V AC (120 – 370V DC), 50Hz to 60Hz AC input or 5-48V ( max. 60V) DC wide range power input. HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices communicate in Modbus RTU protocol with 115200 8N1 data type over standard RS485 serial line.

2.1 Features

  • Device Address changeable with Modbus RTU commands

  • Easy to Monitor Device Parameters such as Device Up Time, Modbus RTU read counter etc. with Modbus Commands

  • Supports Modbus RTU Protocol over RS485 with 115200 8N1 Data Type

  • Easy to Use Test and Parameter Change Software

  • Easy Firmware Upgrade over Serial Line

  • AC or DC wide range power options

  • Wide operating temperature range from -30 to 70 °C AC and -40 to 85 °C DC power input versions

  • Rugged Metal IP-40 housing design

  • DIN-Rail mounting

2.2 Extra Features for Output Models

  • Output configuration can be defined by user for restart  
  • Output values can be saved and applied during auto restart  


3. Installation

Each device has a Din-Rail kit on rear panel. The Din-Rail kit helps device to fix on the Din-Rail. Slant the switch and mount the metal spring to Din-Rail.

Then Push the switch toward the Din-Rail until you heard a “click” sound.

4. Front Panel Description

4.1 HUR118 & HUR218 

  1. System LED: Flashes during normal operation.

  2. Activity LEDs

    Tx LED: Flashes when the device sends Modbus RTU packages.

    Rx LED: Flashes when the device receives Modbus RTU packages.

  3. Terminal Connector for 2 wire RS485 connection and GND. 

    Pin Number Description
    1 GND
    2 B
    3 A
  4.  Output Status LEDs: Shows which pin is ON (conducting) and OFF (cut off) for Digital Outputs

    LED Number LED Status and Description

    ON: Output ON, circuit is closed and running

    OFF: Output is OFF, circuit is open and cut off

  5. Output Channels: 8 Channel Output terminals and polarity is not important. 2 pins for each connection and total 16 connection pins. 5-275V AC-DC, 100mA Digital Optocoupler Outputs.

4.2 HUR128 & HUR228 

  1. System LED: Flashes during normal operation.

  2. Activity LEDs

    Tx LED: Flashes when the device sends Modbus RTU packages.

    Rx LED: Flashes when the device receives Modbus RTU packages.

  3. Terminal Connector for 2 wire RS485 connection and GND. 

    Pin Number Description
    1 GND
    2 B
    3 A
  4.  Output Status LEDs: Shows which pin is ON (conducting) and OFF (cut off) for Digital Outputs.

    LED Number LED Status and Description

    ON: Output ON, circuit is closed and running

    OFF: Output is OFF, circuit is open and cut off

  5. Output Channels: 8 Channel Output terminals and polarity is not important. 2 pins for each connection and total 16 connection pins. Maximum 5 Amperes 250VAC/30VDC for each channel.

4.3 HUR318 & HUR418 

  1. System LED: Flashes during normal operation.

  2. Activity LEDs

    Tx LED: Flashes when the device sends Modbus RTU packages.

    Rx LED: Flashes when the device receives Modbus RTU packages.

  3. Terminal Connector for 2 wire RS485 connection and GND. 

    Pin Number Description
    1 GND
    2 B
    3 A
  4. Input Channels: 8 Channel Input terminals and polarity is not important. 2 pins for each connection and total 16 connection pins. 12-275 AC-DC, 60mA Digital Optocoupler Inputs.

4.4 HUR518 & HUR618 

  1. System LED: Flashes during normal operation.

  2. Activity LEDs

    Tx LED: Flashes when the device sends Modbus RTU packages.

    Rx LED: Flashes when the device receives Modbus RTU packages.

  3. Terminal Connector for 2 wire RS485 connection and GND. 

    Pin Number Description
    1 GND
    2 B
    3 A
  4. Operation Mode Selection Switches for Analog Inputs: 8 pin Switch to select operation mode of each Analog Input either 0-10V or 0-20mA.

    Switch Number Switch Status and Description

    Switch Position ON: 4-20mA analog input expected

    Switch Position OFF: 0-10V analog input expected

  5. Input Channels: 8 Channel Input terminals and polarity is important. All inputs references to Common point. 2 Common points and 8 Analog Inputs total 10 connection pins. 0-10V and 0-20mA Individually Selectable Analog Inputs.

4.5 HUR555 & HUR655 

  1. System LED: Flashes during normal operation.

  2. Activity LEDs

    Tx LED: Flashes when the device sends Modbus RTU packages.

    Rx LED: Flashes when the device receives Modbus RTU packages.

  3. Terminal Connector for 2 wire RS485 connection and GND. 

    Pin Number Description
    1 GND
    2 B
    3 A
  4. Output Channels: 5 Channel Output terminals and polarity is important. 2 pins for each connection and total 10 connection pins. 4-20mA Analog Outputs designed for 24V 250ohm load or 12V 125ohm load.


5. Top Panel Description

5.1 HUR118 & HUR128 & HUR318 & HUR518 & HUR555

  1. Power Input DC: 5-48V (max. 60V) DC. Polarity protected so that the power input can be connected in any direction.

  2. Power LED: Turns ON when there is power in device.

  3. Reset Button to reset device.

5.2 HUR218 & HUR228 & HUR418 & HUR618 & HUR655

  1. Power Input AC: 100 - 240V AC (120 – 370V DC), 50Hz to 60Hz AC input

  2. Power LED: Turns ON when there is power in device.

  3. Reset Button to reset device.


6. Usage Scenarios and Connection Diagrams

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices can be used in different scenarios. Usages are not limited to that examples and user may create their own usage scenario.


6.1 Scenario 1: Write/Set Status of Digital Field Devices

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices can be connected to Digital field devices and Field Control or Central Software Control System can write parameters such as Turn ON a light or Turn on a valve. Communication protocol will be Modbus RTU. Outputs will be 5-275V AC-DC, 100mA Digital Optocoupler Output or 5Amperes 250VAC/30VDC Relay Output. Following devices can be used for this application:

  • HUR118 and HUR218 with 8 Channel 5-275V AC-DC, 100mA Digital Optocoupler Output

  • HUR128 and HUR228 with 8 Channel Digital 5Amps 250VAC/30VDC Relay Output


6.2 Scenario 2: Read Status of Digital Field Devices

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices can be connected to Digital field devices and Field Control or Central Software Control System can read status of the field devices such as status of light or status of a circuit breaker. Communication protocol will be Modbus RTU. Inputs will be 12-275V AC-DC, 60mA Digital Optocoupler Input. Following devices can be used for this application:

  • HUR318 and HUR418 with 8 Channel 12-275V AC-DC, 60mA Digital Optocoupler Input


6.3 Scenario 3: Read Analog Field Devices

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices can be connected to Analog field devices and Field Control or Central Software Control System can read status of the field devices such as status temperature sensors or pressure sensors. Communication protocol will be Modbus RTU. Inputs will be 0-10V and 0-20mA Selectable Analog Input. Following devices can be used for this application:

  • HUR518 and HUR618 with 8 Channel 0-10V and 0-20mA Selectable Analog Input


6.4 Scenario 4: Write Analog Values for Field Control Devices

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices can be connected to field control devices and Field Main Control or Central Software Control System can write Analog Values for that secondary field control devices such as duplicating or generating an analog value like flow of a fluid value for a field control device. Communication protocol will be Modbus RTU. Outputs will be 4-20mA Analog Output. Following devices can be used for this application:

  • HUR555 and HUR655 with 5 Channel 4-20mA Analog Output


6.5 Scenario 5: Read Analog Field Devices with Modbus TCP Protocol Over TCP/IP Network


REDZ CKL Series Modbus, Serial to Ethernet Gateways can connect field serial device to TCP/IP Network to control that devices remotely with a software on a server or with a TCP/IP device. For example, with CKL Series Modbus, Serial to Ethernet Gateways, users can connect HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices and create a system to read that devices remotely.

CKL Gateway devices in field configured for Transparent Communication and act as TCP Server to Serial Device Gateway. HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices are connected over RS485 serial line and communication data type and baud rate fixed. 

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices can be connected to Analog field devices and Field Control or Central Software Control System can read status of the field devices such as status temperature sensors or pressure sensors.

Communication protocol will be Modbus TCP thanks to CKL connection.

Inputs will be 0-10V and 0-20mA Selectable Analog Input. Following devices can be used for this application:

  • CKL154: Modbus, Serial to Ethernet Gateway, 2x 10/100 T(x) ETH ports, 1 x RS232 & 1 x RS485, 5-60V DC Power Input

  • CKL254: Modbus, Serial to Ethernet Gateway, 2x 10/100 T(x) ETH ports, 1 x RS232 & 1 x RS485, 90 - 265V AC (100 – 370V DC), 47Hz to 63Hz AC Power Input

  • CKL655: Modbus, Serial to Ethernet Gateway, 2x 10/100 T(x) ETH ports + 1 x BPL (Broadband Power Line) Link, 1 x RS232 & 1 x RS485, 3 Phase AC Power Input, 110V–240V/50-60Hz

    (User needs to create a Broadband Powerline Network with REDZ devices by using CKL or BSB series in order to use that model)

  • HUR518 and HUR618 with 8 Channel 0-10V and 0-20mA Selectable Analog Input


6.6 Scenario 6: Read Status of Digital Field Devices Over LoRa RF Wireless Network

REDZ TLM Series LoRa Based RF Gateways can link RS232 and/or RS485 serial devices and create a network over RF. For example, with TLM Series LoRa Based RF Gateways users can connect HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices with Field Control Devices over RF network and create wireless automation.

TLM act as Serial to LoRa RF Gateway configured as Client Mode (Client mode suggested to use in serial communication since TCP server capabilities will not be used), Serial communication is enabled and settings are done based on field device. 

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices can be connected to Digital field devices and Field Control or Central Software Control System can read status of the field devices such as status of light or status of a circuit breaker.

Communication protocol will be Modbus RTU over Lora RF Network thanks to TLM connection.

Inputs will be 12-275V AC-DC, 60mA Digital Optocoupler Input. Following devices can be used for this application:

  • TLM154: 868MHz LoRa based gateway, 2x 10/100 T(x) ETH ports, 1 x RS232 & 1 x RS485, 5-60V DC Power Input

  • TLM254: 868MHz LoRa based gateway, 2x 10/100 T(x) ETH ports, 1 x RS232 & 1 x RS485, 90 - 265V AC (100 – 370V DC), 47Hz to 63Hz AC Power Input

  • TLM655: 868MHz LoRa based gateway, 2x 10/100 T(x) ETH ports + 1 x BPL (Broadband Power Line) Link, 1 x RS232 & 1 x RS485, 3 Phase AC Power Input, 110V–240V/50-60Hz

    (User needs to create a Broadband Powerline Network with REDZ devices by using TLM or BSB series in order to use that model)

  • HUR318 and HUR418 with 8 Channel 12-275V AC-DC, 60mA Digital Optocoupler Input


7. MODBUS Definitions

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices communicate in Modbus RTU protocol with 115200 8N1 data type over standard RS485 serial line.  HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has several versions with different I/O options and different version uses different Modbus Function codes:

  • HUR118 and HUR218 with 8 Channel 5-275V AC-DC, 100mA Digital Optocoupler Output

    Uses Function Code 0x01: Read Coil Status to read status of output values

    Uses Function Code 0x03: Read Holding Registers to read device parameters and status of monitoring values

    Uses Function Code 0x05: Force Single Coil to set value of individual output values

    Uses Function Code 0x06: Preset Single Register to set value of individual device parameter values

    Uses Function Code 0x0F: Force Multiple Coils to set value of all output values at once

  • HUR128 and HUR228 with 8 Channel Digital 5Amps 250VAC/30VDC Relay Output

    Uses Function Code 0x01: Read Coil Status to read status of output values

    Uses Function Code 0x03: Read Holding Registers to read device parameters and status of monitoring values

    Uses Function Code 0x05: Force Single Coil to set value of individual output values

    Uses Function Code 0x06: Preset Single Register to set value of individual device parameter values

    Uses Function Code 0x0F: Force Multiple Coils to set value of all output values at once

  • HUR318 and HUR418 with 8 Channel 12-275V AC-DC, 60mA Digital Optocoupler Input

    Uses Function Code 0x02: Read Input Status to read status of input values

    Uses Function Code 0x03: Read Holding Registers to read device parameters and status of monitoring values

    Uses Function Code 0x06: Preset Single Register to set value of individual device parameter values

  • HUR518 and HUR618 with 8 Channel 0-10V and 0-20mA Selectable Analog Input

    Uses Function Code 0x03: Read Holding Registers to read device parameters and status of monitoring values

    Uses Function Code 0x04: Read Input Registers to read input values 

    Uses Function Code 0x06: Preset Single Register to set value of individual device parameter values

  • HUR555 and HUR655 with 5 Channel 4-20mA Analog Output 

    Uses Function Code 0x03: Read Holding Registers to read device parameters and status of monitoring values

    Uses Function Code 0x06: Preset Single Register to set value of individual device register values and device parameter values


7.1 HUR Digital Output Devices: HUR118 & HUR128 & HUR218 & HUR228

HUR Series Digital Output Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices

  • HUR118 and HUR218 with 8 Channel 5-275V AC-DC, 100mA Digital Optocoupler Output

  • HUR128 and HUR228 with 8 Channel Digital 5Amps 250VAC/30VDC Relay Output

Has following Modbus Functions:

Uses Function Code 0x01: Read Coil Status to read status of output values

Uses Function Code 0x03: Read Holding Registers to read device parameters and status of monitoring values

Uses Function Code 0x05: Force Single Coil to set value of individual output values

Uses Function Code 0x06: Preset Single Register to set value of individual device parameter values

Uses Function Code 0x0F: Force Multiple Coils to set value of all output values at once


A. Read Output Values with Read Coil Status (FC=01)


This command is requesting the ON/OFF status of discrete outputs # 01 to 08

from the slave device with address 1.

01 01 0001 0008 6C0C

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

01: The Function Code 1 (read Coil Status)

0001: The Data Address of the first output to read.

             ( 0001 hex = 01)

0008: The total number of outputs requested.  (08hex = 8) 

6C0C: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


01 01 01 19 9042

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

01: The Function Code 1 (read Coil Status)

01: The number of data bytes to follow (8 Outputs / 8 bits per byte = 1 byte)

19: Outputs 1 - 8 (0001 1001)

9042: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).

The more significant bits contain the higher output variables. This shows that outputs 8-7-6 is off (0) and 5-4 is on (1), outputs 3-2 is off (0) and 1 is on (1). 


B. Read Device Parameters with Holding Registers (Function Code=3)

HUR Series Digital Output Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has following settings that can be read:

Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Modbus Address

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device Address for Communication.

Default Address is 0x01

128 0x80 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
2 Save Data Before Auto Restart Option

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device restart itself in an automated manner to keep stability. Duration for each restart is 24 hours. This option is to save Output Values before restart and apply it after successful auto restart.

It can be either Enabled (0x01) or Disabled (0x00)

Default Value is 0x01: Enabled

129 0x81 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
3 Use Custom Output Values on Power On 

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device can accept user to set output values for next Power On. It is like keeping a constant configuration, so that Users can alter register values of outputs and when the device is Powered On, outputs will be in action based on configuration.

User must also set the relevant registers after Enabling this option.

It can be either Enabled (0x01) or Disabled (0x00)

Default Value is 0x01: Disabled

130 0x82 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)


This command is requesting the content of device parameter holding registers # 40128 to 40130 from the slave device with address 1.

01 03 0080 0003 0423

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

0080: The Data Address of the first register requested.

             ( 0080hex = 128 )

0003: The total number of registers requested. (read 3 registers 40128 to 40130) 

0423: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


01 03 06 0001 0001 0000 4D75

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

06: The number of data bytes to follow (3 registers x 2 bytes each = 6 bytes)

0001: The contents of register 40128

0001: The contents of register 40129

0000: The contents of register 40130

4D75: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).


C. Read Status of Monitoring Values with Holding Registers (Function Code=3)

HUR Series Digital Output Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has following monitoring parameters that can be read:

Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Modbus Read Counter This value increments 1 after successful sending a Modbus Response Package from HUR device side. 160 0xA0 Unsigned Long (UInt32)
2 Second Counter

Increments 1 every second since the device is powered up.

Device restarts after 24 hours (86400 seconds)

162 0xA2 Unsigned Long (UInt32)
3 FW Version Original

Gives device firmware info when the device is sold from stock. Includes version and build date

4 byte data example:


0x1A: DAY = 26

0x3: MONTH = 3

0x7E4: YEAR = 2020

0x01: VERSION = 1

164 0xA4 Unsigned Long (UInt32)
4 FW Version Upgraded

Gives device firmware info and it differs from FW Original version if the device firmware changed in the field. Includes version and build date

4 byte data example:


0x1B: DAY = 27

0x3: MONTH = 3

0x7E4: YEAR = 2020

0x01: VERSION = 1

166 0xA6 Unsigned Long (UInt32)


This command is requesting the content of device parameter holding registers # 40160 to 40166 from the slave device with address 1.

01 03 00A0 0008 442E

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

00A0: The Data Address of the first register requested.

             ( 00A0 hex = 160 )

0008: The total number of registers requested. (read 4 registers each holding Unsigned Int32 values) 

442E: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


01 03 10 0000000D 00000AB4 1A37E401 1B37E401 004D 

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

10: The number of data bytes to follow (4 registers x 4 bytes each = 16 bytes)

0000000D: The contents of register 40160

00000AB4: The contents of register 40162

1A37E401: The contents of register 40164

1B37E401: The contents of register 40166

004D: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).


D. Read Output Configuration Register Values with Holding Registers (Function Code=3)

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device can accept user to set output values for next Power On. It is like keeping a constant configuration on outputs, so that Users can alter register values of outputs and when the device is Powered On, outputs will be in action based on configuration. Those registers can be read with Function Code 3.


Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Output 1 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 1 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 65 0x41 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
2 Output 2 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 1 if option 2 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 66 0x42 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
3 Output 3 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 3 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 67 0x43 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
4 Output 4 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 4 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 68 0x44 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
5 Output 5 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 5 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 69 0x45 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
6 Output 6 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 6 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 70 0x46 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
7 Output 7 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 7 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 71 0x47 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
8 Output 8 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 8 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 72 0x48 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)


This command is reading the contents of output configuration registers

to the slave device with address 01.

01 03 0040 0008 45D8

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

0040: The Data Address of the first register requested.

             ( 0040 hex = 64)

0008: The total number of registers requested. (read 8 registers each holding Unsigned Int16 values. Digital Output device has 8 outputs and uses 8 registers) 

45D8The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


01 03 10 0001 0001 004B 0000 0001 0001 0001 0001 EA3D 

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

10: The number of data bytes to follow (8 registers x 2 bytes each = 16 bytes)

0001 : The contents of register 40041

0001 : The contents of register 40042

004B : The contents of register 40043

0000  : The contents of register 40044

0001 : The contents of register 40045

0001 : The contents of register 40046

0001 : The contents of register 40047 

0001 : The contents of register 40048 

EA3D : The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).

For Example, for output 3, value is set to : Hexadecimal 004B  which is 75 Decimal

Digital Output Value = 1 - ON

For Example, for output 4, value is set to : Hexadecimal 0000  which is 0 Decimal

Digital Output Value = 0 - OFF

For Example, for output 5, value is set to : Hexadecimal 0005  which is 5 Decimal

Digital Output Value = 1 - ON

E. Write Individual Output Value with Force Single Coil (FC=05)


This command is writing the contents of discrete output # 7 to ON in the slave device with address 1.

01 05 0006 FF00 6C3B

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

05: The Function Code 5 (Force Single Coil)

0006: The Data Address of the coil. (output# 7 = 7 hex)

             ( 0007 hex = 7  = output # 7 )

FF00: The value to write ( FF00 = ON,  0000 = OFF ) 

4E8B: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


The normal response is an echo of the query, returned after the coil has been written.

01 05 0006 FF00 6C3B

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

05: The Function Code 5 (Force Single Coil)

0006: The Data Address of the coil. (output# 7 - 1 = 6 = 06 hex)

FF00: The status written ( FF00 = ON,  0000 = OFF ) 

4E8B: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


F. Write Device Parameter and Register Values with Preset Single Register (FC=06)

HUR Series Digital Output Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has following settings that can be altered:

Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Modbus Device Address

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device Address for Communication.

Default Address is 0x01

128 0x80 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
2 Save Data Before Auto Restart Option

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device restart itself in an automated manner to keep stability. Duration for each restart is 24 hours. This option is to save Output Values before restart and apply it after successful auto restart.

It can be either Enabled (0x01) or Disabled (0x00)

Default Value is 0x01: Enabled

129 0x81 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
3 Use Custom Output Values on Power On 

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device can accept user to set output values for next Power On. It is like keeping a constant configuration, so that Users can alter register values of outputs and when the device is Powered On, outputs will be in action based on configuration.

User must also set the relevant registers after Enabling this option.

It can be either Enabled (0x01) or Disabled (0x00)

Default Value is 0x01: Disabled

130 0x82 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)


This command is writing the contents of device parameter register # 40130

to the slave device with address 01.

01 06 0082 0001 E822

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0082: The Data Address of the register.

             ( 0082 hex = 130 )

0001: The value to write ( Enable option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) )

E822: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


The normal response is an echo of the query, returned after the register contents have been written.

01 06 0082 0001 E822

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0082: The Data Address of the register. 

0001: The value written (Option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) Enabled)

E822: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


HUR Series Digital Output Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices also has following registers that can be altered and used if option 3 in settings part is Enabled

Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Register 1 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 1 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 65 0x41 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
2 Register 2 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 2 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 66 0x42 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
3 Register 3 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 3 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 67 0x43 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
4 Register 4 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 4 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 68 0x44 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
5 Register 5 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 5 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 69 0x45 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
6 Register 6 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 6 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 70 0x46 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
7 Register 7 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 7 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 71 0x47 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
8 Register 8 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 8 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 72 0x48 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)


This command is writing the contents of device parameter register # 40043

to the slave device with address 01.

01 06 0042 0001 E81E

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0042: The Data Address of the register.

             ( 0042 hex = 66 , + 40001 offset = register #40043 )

0001: The value to write ( Set Register 3 for Output 3)

E81E: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


The normal response is an echo of the query, returned after the register contents have been written.

01 06 0042 0001 E81E

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0042: The Data Address of the register.

0001: The value to write (Register 3 for Output 3 is Set)

E81E: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


G. Write Output Values at Once with Force Multiple Coils (FC=15)


This command is writing the contents of a series of 8 discrete outputs from #1 to #8

to the slave device with address 17.

01 0F 0001 0008 01 98 C2FF

01: The Slave Address (11 hex = address17 )

0F: The Function Code 15 (Force Multiple Coils, 0F hex  = 15 )

0001: The Data Address of the first output.

             (0001 hex = 1)

0008: The number of outputs to write ( 08 hex  = 8 )

01: The number of data bytes to follow (8 outputs / 8 bits per byte = 1 byte)

98: Outputs 1 - 8 (1001 1000) 

BF0B: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.

The more significant bits contain the higher output variables. This shows that outputs 8-5-4 is on (1) and 7-6-3-2-1 is off (0). 


01 0F 0001 0008 05CD

01: The Slave Address (11 hex = address17 )

0F: The Function Code 15 (Force Multiple Coils, 0F hex  = 15 )

0001: The Data Address of the first output.

             (0001 hex = 1)

0008: The number of outputs to write ( 08 hex  = 8 )

05CD: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


7.2 HUR Digital Input Devices: HUR318 & HUR418


HUR Series Digital Output Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices

  • HUR318 and HUR418 with 8 Channel 12-275V AC-DC, 60mA Digital Optocoupler Input

Has following Modbus Functions:

Uses Function Code 0x02: Read Input Status to read status of input values

Uses Function Code 0x03: Read Holding Registers to read device parameters and status of monitoring values

Uses Function Code 0x06: Preset Single Register to set value of individual device parameter values


A. Read Input Values with Read Input Status (FC=02)


This command is requesting the ON/OFF status of discrete inputs # 10001 to 10008

from the slave device with address 1.

01 02 0001 0008 280C

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1)

02: The Function Code 2 (read Input Status)

0001: The Data Address of the first input to read.

             ( 0001hex = 1 )

0008: The total number of inputs requested. (8 hex = 8,  inputs 1 to 8 )

280C: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


01 02 01 44 A1BB

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

02: The Function Code 2 (read Input Status)

01: The number of data bytes to follow (8 Inputs / 8 bits per byte = 1 byte)

44: Discrete Inputs 10001 to 10008 (0100 0100)

A1BB: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).

The more significant bits contain the higher Discrete inputs. This shows that input 1-2-4-5-6-8 is OFF (0) and 3-7 is ON (1). 


B. Read Device Parameters with Holding Registers (Function Code=3)

HUR Series Digital Input Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has following settings that can be read:

Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Modbus Device Address

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device Address for Communication.

Default Address is 0x01

128 0x80 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)



This command is requesting the content of device parameter holding registers # 40128 from the slave device with address 1.

01 03 0080 0001 85E2

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

0080: The Data Address of the first register requested.

             ( 0080hex = 128 )

0001: The total number of registers requested. (read registers #40128) 

85E2: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


01 03 02 0001 7984

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

02: The number of data bytes to follow (1 registers x 2 bytes each = 2 bytes)

0001: The contents of register 40128

7984: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).


C. Read Status of Monitoring Values with Holding Registers (Function Code=3)

HUR Series Digital Input Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has following monitoring parameters that can be read:

Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Modbus Read Counter This value increments 1 after successful sending a Modbus Response Package from HUR device side. 160 0xA0 Unsigned Long (UInt32)
2 Second Counter

Increments 1 every second since the device is powered up.

Device restarts after 24 hours (86400 seconds)

162 0xA2 Unsigned Long (UInt32)
3 FW Version Original

Gives device firmware info when the device is sold from stock. Includes version and build date

4 byte data example:


0x1A: DAY = 26

0x3: MONTH = 3

0x7E4: YEAR = 2020

0x01: VERSION = 1

164 0xA4 Unsigned Long (UInt32)
4 FW Version Upgraded

Gives device firmware info and it differs from FW Original version if the device firmware changed in the field. Includes version and build date

4 byte data example:


0x1B: DAY = 27

0x3: MONTH = 3

0x7E4: YEAR = 2020

0x01: VERSION = 1

166 0xA6 Unsigned Long (UInt32)



This command is requesting the content of device parameter holding registers # 40160 to 40166 from the slave device with address 1.

01 03 00A0 0008 442E

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

00A0: The Data Address of the first register requested.

             ( 00A0 hex = 160 )

0008: The total number of registers requested. (read 4 registers each holding Unsigned Int32 values) 

442E: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


01 03 10 0000000D 00000AB4 1A37E401 1B37E401 004D 

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

10: The number of data bytes to follow (4 registers x 4 bytes each = 16 bytes)

0000000D: The contents of register 40160

00000AB4: The contents of register 40162

1A37E401: The contents of register 40164

1B37E401: The contents of register 40166

004D: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).


D. Write Device Parameter Value with Preset Single Register (FC=06)

HUR Series Digital Input Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has following settings that can be altered:

Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Modbus Device Address

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device Address for Communication.

Default Address is 0x01

128 0x80 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)



This command is writing the contents of device parameter register # 40128

to the slave device with address 01.

01 06 0080 0002 09E3

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0080: The Data Address of the register.

             ( 0080 hex = 128 )

0002: The value to write ( set new Modbus Address as 2 )

09E3: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


The normal response is an echo of the query, returned after the register contents have been written.

01 06 0080 0002 09E3

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0080: The Data Address of the register. 

0002: The value to write (New Modbus Address as 2 is set)

09E3: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


7.3 HUR Analog Input Devices: HUR518 & HUR618


HUR Analog Input Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices

  • HUR518 and HUR618 with 8 Channel 0-10V and 0-20mA Selectable Analog Input

Has following Modbus Functions:

Uses Function Code 0x03: Read Holding Registers to read device parameters and status of monitoring values

Uses Function Code 0x04: Read Input Registers to read input values 

Uses Function Code 0x06: Preset Single Register to set value of individual device parameter values


A. Read Device Parameters with Holding Registers (Function Code=3)

HUR Series Analog Input Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has following settings that can be read:

Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Modbus Device Address

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device Address for Communication.

Default Address is 0x01

128 0x80 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)


This command is requesting the content of device parameter holding registers # 40128 from the slave device with address 1.

01 03 0080 0001 85E2

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

0080: The Data Address of the first register requested.

             ( 0080hex = 128 )

0001: The total number of registers requested. (read registers #40128) 

85E2: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


01 03 02 0001 7984

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

02: The number of data bytes to follow (1 registers x 2 bytes each = 2 bytes)

0001: The contents of register 40128

7984: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).


B. Read Status of Monitoring Values with Holding Registers (Function Code=3)

HUR Series Analog Input Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has following monitoring parameters that can be read:

Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Modbus Read Counter This value increments 1 after successful sending a Modbus Response Package from HUR device side. 160 0xA0 Unsigned Long (UInt32)
2 Second Counter

Increments 1 every second since the device is powered up.

Device restarts after 24 hours (86400 seconds)

162 0xA2 Unsigned Long (UInt32)
3 FW Version Original

Gives device firmware info when the device is sold from stock. Includes version and build date

4 byte data example:


0x1A: DAY = 26

0x3: MONTH = 3

0x7E4: YEAR = 2020

0x01: VERSION = 1

164 0xA4 Unsigned Long (UInt32)
4 FW Version Upgraded

Gives device firmware info and it differs from FW Original version if the device firmware changed in the field. Includes version and build date

4 byte data example:


0x1B: DAY = 27

0x3: MONTH = 3

0x7E4: YEAR = 2020

0x01: VERSION = 1

166 0xA6 Unsigned Long (UInt32)


This command is requesting the content of device parameter holding registers # 40160 to 40166 from the slave device with address 1.

01 03 00A0 0008 442E

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

00A0: The Data Address of the first register requested.

             ( 00A0 hex = 160 )

0008: The total number of registers requested. (read 4 registers each holding Unsigned Int32 values) 

442E: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


01 03 10 0000000D 00000AB4 1A37E401 1B37E401 004D 

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

10: The number of data bytes to follow (4 registers x 4 bytes each = 16 bytes)

0000000D: The contents of register 40160

00000AB4: The contents of register 40162

1A37E401: The contents of register 40164

1B37E401: The contents of register 40166

004D: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).


C. Read Analog Input Values with Read Input Register (FC=04)

This command is requesting the content of analog input registers from # 30001 to 30008 from the slave device with address 1.


01 04 0001 0008 A00C

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

04: The Function Code 4 (read Analog Input Registers)

0001: The Data Address of the first register requested.

             ( 0001 hex = 1 )

0008: The total number of registers requested. (Read 8 registers) 

A00C: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


01 04 10 2AB4 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 7E24

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

04: The Function Code 4 (read Analog Input Registers)

10: The number of data bytes to follow (8 registers x 2 bytes each = 16 bytes)

2AB4: The contents of register 30001 (Input 1)

0000: The contents of register 30002 (Input 2)

0000: The contents of register 30003 (Input 3)

0000: The contents of register 30004 (Input 4)

0000: The contents of register 30005 (Input 5)

0000: The contents of register 30006 (Input 6)

0000: The contents of register 30007 (Input 7)

0000: The contents of register 30008 (Input 8)

7E24: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).

HUR Analog Input Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices may have 2 modes, if selected 0-20mA mode

Register 1 is Hexadecimal 2AB4 = 10932 Decimal

Analog value for 0-20mA can be calculated with following formula

AnalogValue = (20.0 / 65535) * readInputValue;

In this example it is

AnalogValue = (20.0 / 65535) * 10932 = 3,337mA

Analog value for 0-10V can be calculated with following formula

AnalogValue = (10.0 / 65535) * readInputValue;

In this example it is

AnalogValue = (10.0 / 65535) * 10932 = 1,668V


D. Write Device Parameter Value with Preset Single Register (FC=06)

HUR Series Digital Input Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has following settings that can be altered:

Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type

Modbus Device Address

HUR Series  Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device Address for Communication.

Default Address is 0x01

128 0x80 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)



This command is for writing the contents of device parameter register # 40128

to the slave device with address 01.

01 06 0080 0002 09E3

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0080: The Data Address of the register.

             ( 0080 hex = 128 )

0002: The value to write ( set new Modbus Address as 2 )

09E3: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


The normal response is an echo of the query, returned after the register contents have been written.

01 06 0080 0002 09E3

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0080: The Data Address of the register. 

0002: The value to write (New Modbus Address as 2 is set)

09E3: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


7.4 HUR Analog Output Devices: HUR555 & HUR655


HUR Series Analog Output Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices

  • HUR555 and HUR655 with 5 Channel 4-20mA Analog Output 

Has following Modbus Functions:

Uses Function Code 0x03: Read Holding Registers to read device parameters and status of monitoring values

Uses Function Code 0x06: Preset Single Register to set value of individual device register values and device parameter values


A. Read Device Parameters with Holding Registers (Function Code=3)

HUR Series Analog Output Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has following settings that can be read:

Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Modbus Device Address

HUR Series Remote I/O Device Address for Communication.

Default Address is 0x01

128 0x80 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
2 Save Data Before Auto Restart Option

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device restart itself in an automated manner to keep stability. Duration for each restart is 24 hours. This option is to save Output Values before restart and apply it after successful auto restart.

It can be either Enabled (0x01) or Disabled (0x00)

Default Value is 0x01: Enabled

129 0x81 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
3 Use Custom Output Values on Power On 

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device can accept user to set output values for next Power On. It is like keeping a constant configuration, so that Users can alter register values of outputs and when the device is Powered On, outputs will be in action based on configuration.

User must also set the relevant registers after Enabling this option.

It can be either Enabled (0x01) or Disabled (0x00)

Default Value is 0x01: Disabled

130 0x82 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)


This command is requesting the content of device parameter holding registers # 40128 to 40130 from the slave device with address 1.

01 03 0080 0003 0423

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

0080: The Data Address of the first register requested.

             ( 0080hex = 128 )

0003: The total number of registers requested. (read 3 registers 40128 to 40130) 

0423: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


01 03 06 0001 0001 0000 4D75

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

06: The number of data bytes to follow (3 registers x 2 bytes each = 6 bytes)

0001: The contents of register 40128

0001: The contents of register 40129

0000: The contents of register 40130

4D75: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).


B. Read Status of Monitoring Values with Holding Registers (Function Code=3)

HUR Series Analog Output Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has following monitoring parameters that can be read:

Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Modbus Read Counter This value increments 1 after successful sending a Modbus Response Package from HUR device side. 160 0xA0 Unsigned Long (UInt32)
2 Second Counter

Increments 1 every second since the device is powered up.

Device restarts after 24 hours (86400 seconds)

162 0xA2 Unsigned Long (UInt32)
3 FW Version Original

Gives device firmware info when the device is sold from stock. Includes version and build date

4 byte data example:


0x1A: DAY = 26

0x3: MONTH = 3

0x7E4: YEAR = 2020

0x01: VERSION = 1

164 0xA4 Unsigned Long (UInt32)
4 FW Version Upgraded

Gives device firmware info and it differs from FW Original version if the device firmware changed in the field. Includes version and build date

4 byte data example:


0x1B: DAY = 27

0x3: MONTH = 3

0x7E4: YEAR = 2020

0x01: VERSION = 1

166 0xA6 Unsigned Long (UInt32)



This command is requesting the content of device parameter holding registers # 40160 to 40166 from the slave device with address 1.

01 03 00A0 0008 442E

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

00A0: The Data Address of the first register requested.

             ( 00A0 hex = 160 )

0008: The total number of registers requested. (read 4 registers each holding Unsigned Int32 values) 

442E: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


01 03 10 0000000D 00000AB4 1A37E401 1B37E401 004D 

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

10: The number of data bytes to follow (4 registers x 4 bytes each = 16 bytes)

0000000D: The contents of register 40160

00000AB4: The contents of register 40162

1A37E401: The contents of register 40164

1B37E401: The contents of register 40166

004D: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).

C. Read Output Configuration Register Values with Holding Registers (Function Code=3)

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device can accept user to set output values for next Power On. It is like keeping a constant configuration on outputs, so that Users can alter register values of outputs and when the device is Powered On, outputs will be in action based on configuration. Those registers can be read with Function Code 3.


Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Output 1 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 1 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 65 0x41 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
2 Output 2 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 1 if option 2 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 66 0x42 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
3 Output 3 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 3 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 67 0x43 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
4 Output 4 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 4 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 68 0x44 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
5 Output 5 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 5 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 69 0x45 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)


This command is reading the contents of output configuration registers

to the slave device with address 01.

01 03 0040 0008 45D8

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

0040: The Data Address of the first register requested.

             ( 0040 hex = 64)

0008: The total number of registers requested. (read 8 registers each holding Unsigned Int16 values. Analog Output device has 5 outputs and uses 5 registers) 

45D8The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


01 03 10 0001 0001 004B 0000 0001 0001 0001 0001 EA3D 

01: The Slave Address (01hex = address 1)

03: The Function Code 3 (read Holding Registers)

10: The number of data bytes to follow (8 registers x 2 bytes each = 16 bytes)

0001 : The contents of register 40041

0001 : The contents of register 40042

004B : The contents of register 40043

0000  : The contents of register 40044

0001 : The contents of register 40045

0001 : The contents of register 40046 (not used for Analog Output Device)

0001 : The contents of register 40047 (not used for Analog Output Device)

0001 : The contents of register 40048 (not used for Analog Output Device)

EA3D : The CRC (cyclic redundancy check).

For Example, for output 3, value is set to : Hexadecimal 004B  which is 75 Decimal

(Analog Output Value - 4.0) * (1000.0 / 16.0)) = 75

Analog Output Value = 5,2mA

D. Write Analog Output Values with Preset Single Register (FC=06)

HUR Series Analog Output Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices also has following registers that can be altered to set Analog Value to Outputs

Analog Value can be between 0 to 1000 so if for example user wants to set

  • Output Value 20mA, user must write to relevant register: 1000

  • Output Value 12mA, user must write to relevant register: 500

  • Output Value 4mA, user must write to relevant register: 0

Analog value to set can be calculated with following formula

registerValueToSet = Math.Round((analogValueNeeded - 4.0) * (1000.0 / 16.0))


Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Output 1 A value between 0 and 1000 can be written to set Analog Output 1 1 0x01 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
2 Output 2 A value between 0 and 1000 can be written to set Analog Output 2 2 0x02 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
3 Output 3 A value between 0 and 1000 can be written to set Analog Output 3 3 0x03 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
4 Output 4 A value between 0 and 1000 can be written to set Analog Output 4 4 0x04 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
5 Output 5 A value between 0 and 1000 can be written to set Analog Output 5 5 0x05 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
6 Output  6 A value between 0 and 1000 can be written to set Analog Output 6 6 0x06 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
7 Output 7 A value between 0 and 1000 can be written to set Analog Output 7 7 0x07 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
8 Output 8 A value between 0 and 1000 can be written to set Analog Output 8 8 0x08 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)


This command is writing the contents of Analog Output register # 40002

to the slave device with address 01.

01 06 0001 028D 190F

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0001: The Data Address of the register.

             ( 0001 hex = 1 , + 40001 offset = register #40002 ) 

028D: The value to write ( Set Analog Output 2)

190F: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.



The normal response is an echo of the query, returned after the register contents have been written.

01 06 0001 028D 190F

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0001: The Data Address of the register.

028D: The value to write (Analog Output 2 is set)

190F: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.

In this example Analog Output is wanted to be set 14,45mA and the value to be set in register is calculated with following formula

registerValueToSet = Math.Round((14,45 - 4.0) * (1000.0 / 16.0)) = 653

Hexadecimal 028D is 653 Decimal


E. Write Device Parameter and Register Values with Preset Single Register (FC=06)

HUR Series Analog Output Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has following settings that can be altered:

Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Modbus Device Address

HUR Series Remote I/O Device Address for Communication.

Default Address is 0x01

128 0x80 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
2 Save Data Before Auto Restart Option

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device restart itself in an automated manner to keep stability. Duration for each restart is 24 hours. This option is to save Output Values before restart and apply it after successful auto restart.

It can be either Enabled (0x01) or Disabled (0x00)

Default Value is 0x01: Enabled

129 0x81 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
3 Use Custom Output Values on Power On 

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Device can accept user to set output values for next Power On. It is like keeping a constant configuration, so that Users can alter register values of outputs and when the device is Powered On, outputs will be in action based on configuration.

User must also set the relevant registers after Enabling this option.

It can be either Enabled (0x01) or Disabled (0x00)

Default Value is 0x01: Disabled

130 0x82 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)


This command is writing the contents of device parameter register # 40130

to the slave device with address 01.

01 06 0082 0001 E822

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0082: The Data Address of the register.

             ( 0082 hex = 130 )

0001: The value to write ( Enable option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) )

E822: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


The normal response is an echo of the query, returned after the register contents have been written.

01 06 0082 0001 E822

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0082: The Data Address of the register. 

0001: The value written (Option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) Enabled)

E822: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


HUR Series Analog Output Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices also has following registers that can be altered and used if option 3 in settings part is Enabled


Register Number Definition Explanation Modbus Address (Decimal) Modbus Address (Hexadecimal) Data Type
1 Output 1 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 1 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 65 0x41 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
2 Output 2 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 1 if option 2 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 66 0x42 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
3 Output 3 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 3 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 67 0x43 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
4 Output 4 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 4 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 68 0x44 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)
5 Output 5 Custom Output Value on Power On for Output 5 if option 3 (Use Custom Output Values on Power On ) is Enabled 69 0x45 Unsigned Integer (UInt16)


This command is writing the contents of device parameter register # 40043

to the slave device with address 01.

01 06 0042 004B 69E9

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0042: The Data Address of the register.

             ( 0042 hex = 66 , + 40001 offset = register #40043 )

004B: The value to write ( Set Register 3 for Analog Output 3)

683D: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.


The normal response is an echo of the query, returned after the register contents have been written.

01 06 0042 004B 69E9

01: The Slave Address (01 hex = address 1 )

06: The Function Code 6 (Preset Single Register)

0042: The Data Address of the register.

004B: The value to write (Register 3 for Analog Output 3 is Set)

683D: The CRC (cyclic redundancy check) for error checking.

In this example Analog Output is wanted to be set 5,2mA and the value to be set in register is calculated with following formula

registerValueToSet = Math.Round((5,2 - 4.0) * (1000.0 / 16.0)) = 75

Hexadecimal 004B  is 75 Decimal

7.5 ZTerminal Software


ZTerminal software can be used to read all parameters of LKM devices, alter parameters that are allowed to change and read all registers for all meters connected to LKM devices. This is unoffical software for LKM series of devices and it is an implementation of Modbus commands only.

It supports both Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP ( LKMs connected behind CKL series Modbus TCP to RTU gateway for example) communication.


8. Firmware Upgrade

HUR Series Modbus RTU Remote I/O Devices has capability to upgrade firmware from serial line. This way the user can get latest updates for device operation and also user may also ask for custom changes. Here are some examples:

  • Firmware upgrade for specific Modbus Register for query

  • Firmware upgrade to disable switches and work only in one mode

  • Firmware upgrade to put any feature that user needs

Firmware upgrade procedure need specific firmware file prepared by our company and the firmware upgrade software abcZ software also developed by our company.


In order to use the software the specific firmware must be selected. After selecting the firmware path by clicking "Select Path" button the firmware can be loaded to device. The device has protection time window 10 seconds after the powered up so the process must be started within 10 seconds after the device powered up.

User can select the correct COM port and click "LOAD FW" button. The software will show the percentage of process visually by process bar in software. The process will take less than a minute and the device will be ready to use with new firmware after an automatic restart.

If somehow the firmware upgrade process is interrupted and upload file has failed, the device will lose firmware and stay in bootloader mode. In that case user can try upgrading the firmware again and this time should mark the "Forced FW Load" check box.


9. Ordering Information

HUR118: 8 Channels 5-275V AC-DC, 100mA Digital Optocoupler Output Modbus RTU Remote IO Device, 1 x RS485, 5-48V (max. 60V) DC Power Input

HUR128: 8 Channels Digital 5Amps 250VAC/30VDC Relay Output Modbus RTU Remote IO Device, 1 x RS485, 5-48V (max. 60V) DC Power Input

HUR218: 8 Channels 5-275V AC-DC, 100mA Digital Optocoupler Output Modbus RTU Remote IO Device, 1 x RS485, 100 - 240V AC (120 – 370V DC), 50Hz to 60Hz AC Power Input

HUR228: 8 Channels Digital 5Amps 250VAC/30VDC Relay Output Modbus RTU Remote IO Device, 1 x RS485, 100 - 240V AC (120 – 370V DC), 50Hz to 60Hz AC Power Input

HUR318: 8 Channels 12-275 AC-DC, 60mA Digital Optocoupler Input Modbus RTU Remote IO Device, 1 x RS485, 5-48V (max. 60V) DC Power Input

HUR418: 8 Channels 12-275 AC-DC, 60mA Digital Optocoupler Input Modbus RTU Remote IO Device, 1 x RS485, 100 - 240V AC (120 – 370V DC), 50Hz to 60Hz AC Power Input

HUR518: 8 Channels 0-10V and 0-20mA Selectable Analog Input Modbus RTU Remote IO Device, 1 x RS485, 5-48V (max. 60V) DC Power Input

HUR555: 5 Channels 4-20mA Analog Output Modbus RTU Remote IO Device, 1 x RS485, 5-48V (max. 60V) DC Power Input

HUR618: 8 Channels 0-10V and 0-20mA Selectable Analog Input Modbus RTU Remote IO Device, 1 x RS485, 100 - 240V AC (120 – 370V DC), 50Hz to 60Hz AC Power Input

HUR655: 5 Channels 4-20mA Analog Output Modbus RTU Remote IO Device, 1 x RS485, 100 - 240V AC (120 – 370V DC), 50Hz to 60Hz AC Power Input


10. Product Selection

Model 5-48V (max. 60V) DC Power input 90 - 265V AC (100 – 370V DC), 47Hz to 63Hz AC Power Input 1 x RS485 port 8 Channel 5-275V AC-DC, 100mA Digital Optocoupler Output 8 Channel Digital 5Amp. Relay Output 8 Channel 12-275 AC-DC, 60mA Digital Optocoupler Input 8 Channel 0-10V and 0-20mA Selectable Analog Input 5 Channel 4-20mA Analog Output
HUR118 X   X X        
HUR128 X   X   X      
HUR218   X X X        
HUR228   X X   X      
HUR318 X   X     X    
HUR418   X X     X    
HUR518 X   X       X  
HUR555 X   X         X
HUR618   X X       X  
HUR655   X X         X
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